All courses on these pages have been validated by Regional Approval Panels. Please ensure you attend the correct course for the approval you are applying for.
Section 12 Initial Course |
Section 12 Refresher Course |
Approved Clinician Initial Course |
Approved Clinician Refresher Course |
AC Portfolio Workshop - (Limited places, please check before booking) |
Doctors wishing to apply for initial Section 12(2) Approval must attend a validated two day section 12 induction course. All courses linked to this list are validated by a regional Mental Health Act Approvals Panel.
If you are a section 12 only doctor and wish to renew your section 12 approval you must attend a validated 1 day section 12 refresher course within the immediate 12 months prior to your application for renewal. All section 12 refresher courses on the list above are validated by a regional approval panel.
Professionals who meet the professional requirements to become an AC for the first time must attend a 2 day AC induction course validated by a regional approvals panel.
Approved Clinicians who wish to renew their AC approval must attend a 1 day AC refresher course validated by a regional approvals panel within the immediate 12 months prior to your application for renewal. All courses on the list above are validated by a regional approval panel.
Nurses, Social Workers, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Doctors not on the GMC Specialist Register can apply for AC approval via the Portfolio Route.
Medical Approved Clinicians are not required to attend a separate section 12 refresher course to renew their AC approval..