Doctors who are not on the GMC Specialist Register in psychiatry,  Psychologists,  First Level Nurses in Mental Health or Learning Disability field, an Occupational Therapist or a Social Worker who wish to act as an Approved Clinician must apply for AC approval via the portfolio route. 
It is strongly recommended that applicants attend a portfolio workshop prior to submitting their portfolio for panel review.  (Details below).
The information below is advisory as to what the portfolio should contain but  is not exhaustive:-
Doctors should have a minimum of seven years (whole time equivalent) experience in psychiatry with at least four being in a senior position before you apply via the portfolio route. 
Your portfolio must be sent to the England South Approval Panel via email (including Egress) or shared drive, clearly filed in each section (A-E) with a table of contents. 
Attached is  a lot of information and guidance for your portfolio, please ensure you read all of the information carefully in preparation for your portfolio and remember this will be presented to a group of your peers and possibly department of health for review. 
The England South Approvals Panel needs reflective practice and your commentaries must be reflective, all information submitted must be anonymous it will be rejected if it is not, reports should follow practice direction and sent anonymised in line with information governance.   
All contents of the portfolio must be anonymised fully, ie reports no patient initials, use patient A or B, when referring to another Dr do not use initials say ie consultant forensic psychiatrist, staff grade, general adult psychiatrist etc, the same for nurses, care co-ordinators, when referring to relative just say patient as son, daughter etc, no ward or hospital names must be included, we do not need to know where the patient is hospitalised or where they live.  Failure to fully anonymise the portfolio will result in you being reported to your MD regarding  data protection issues.  
You must include evidence of mentoring and shadowing and  AC/RC
Shadowing an  AMHP for a minimum of half a day not just undertaking s12 assessment.
You must include a reflective personal statement on how you prepared for your portfolio.
You can include some statutory sample forms only an RC can complete with a reflective commentary on your emotional journey with the patient  and your part in the decision making. 
You must include 360 colleague and patient feedback. .
The above list is not exhaustive  and you must include any other information to support your application.
Please  only include information relevant to demonstrate you have the competencies required for AC approval.  The portfolio must be all your own work, plagiarism results in a referral to your professional body.. 
England South Portfolio Guidance
AC Instructions 
Reflective Writing Guide 
Annex E New Roles Document 
MHT Practice Directions
AC Application form
Medical Director Declaration of Support
Testimonial of AC Competencies
Powers of s12 doctor and AC

Heather Waltham will be running the following Portfolio Workshop for applicants in the England South Regions in 2023

Next course - 14 May 2024 - Booking Form HERE


  2024 Panel cut off dates for portfolio submission:


Portfolio submission by: Panel meeting on:
07 June 2024 - currently at full quota for new portfolio submissions 18 July 2024
06 September 2024 24 October 2024


The England South Approvals Panel  strongly recommend you attend a current Portfolio Workshop prior to compiling your portfolio.

Delegates must attend their own Regional Approvals Panel Portfolio Workshop


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be happy to give further advice regarding your portfolio. 

If you have any issues  or questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.